ARTICLE VII (Amendments)

By-Laws. The By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any meeting of the Association, provided that such proposed amendments were submitted to the membership of the Association in writing at least twenty (20) days before the meeting in which they are to be voted on. A proposed amendment will be presented on the floor of a membership meeting by one of its sponsors.


Usage of Assets. Any assets owned by the Association may be used for functions beyond the property of Willow Lake. All such uses must be with the approval of the Board of Directors. Any assets removed from Willow Lake and utilized by either association members or non-association members may be charged an appropriate and reasonable rental charge, as determined by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE IX (Dam Safety)

Safety Compliance. The Board of Directors will appoint two (2) individuals who will report to the Board at least twice each year.

  1. Dam Tender. This person will coordinate requirements and record keeping for dam safety and maintenance, on behalf of the Association, as defined by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Duties include, but are not limited to:

    a. The annual dam inspection by a Professional Engineer;
    b. Annual review and update of the "Emergency Action Plan;"
    c. Annual review and update of the "Operating and Maintenance Plan," and
    d. Periodic (monthly) walkover inspection of the dam.
  2. Dam Observer. This person will assist the Dam Tender with observation of the dam, and will be in a position to be appointed as the next Dam Tender, if and when, that position becomes vacant.